Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Conditions Collaborative Model of Care project

Arthritis Australia

Provided policy and evaluation advice to an expert advisory group established to develop an evidence-based model of care for people with arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions.

Prepared an initial scoping paper about:

  • the rationale for a collaborative care model for arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions
  • perceptions of patients about their care, and what the type of care they expect
  • evidence about the type of care people are receiving, and gaps across the care continuum, and
  • existing care models proposed or being implemented in Australia and internationally.

Reviewed the scientific academic and policy literature on best practice clinical care, gaps in health services and patients’ perceptions of care needs and outcomes which synthesized the evidence for a best practice model of care across the Australian health care system focusing on diagnosis, early intervention, self-management and on-going chronic disease management for rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

Prepared a series of advocacy documents entitled “Time to Move” for each of the conditions which informed the development of a policy position White Paper through the expert advisory group set up by Arthritis Australia.