Department of Immigration and Border Protection, Australian Government The Department’s Psychological Support Programme and Mental Health Policies Awareness Raising Strategy (the Strategy) aimed to raise awareness of mental health policies in the immigration detention environment to ensure detention staff have an efficient and effective way of gaining the skills to implement the mental health policies in their day to day work. The department’s mental health policies cover: Risks and Warnings; Protective Factors; Supportive Monitoring and Engagement; Mental Health Screening; Torture and Trauma; and Minors Policy. The Strategy which is being implemented in immigration...
Read MoreAraluen Arts Centre, Alice Springs In association with Liesl Rockchild, Art Management and Design, provided market research and consultation advice and support for the development of the 2015-2017 Desert Mob Marketing Strategy. This included development of on-line surveys and interview tools across the key stakeholder groups consulted including: visitors and tourists; private collectors; Aboriginal art specialist and galleries; public Aboriginal art institutions and Aboriginal art centres involved in supplying the art works for Desert Mob. The Desert Mob event, which features an Exhibition of new artworks, a Marketplace and a Symposium is a unique showcase and...
Read MoreDepartment of Health, Australian Government In association with Robyn Considine, Director, Consan Consulting evaluated Phase 3 of the Primary Health Care Research, Evaluation and Development (PHCRED) Strategy. The PHCRED Strategy was established by the Australian Government in 2000 and was focused on improvement to patient outcomes through better primary health care systems, services and practice. Phase 3 of the PHCRED Strategy (2010-2014) moved towards a priority-driven approach with a particular focus on primary health care systems research. The strategic goals and objectives of Phase 3 of PHCRED Strategy (2010-2014) and its individual elements were the focus of the...
Read MoreMatrix on Board, Alice Springs In association with Dr Anita Pryor, undertook an evaluation of the Money Mob Talkabout (MMT) program, delivered by MoB, and funded by the Department of Social Services (DSS). Matrix on Board has delivered MoneyMob Talkabout (MMT) services in Anangu Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara (APY) Lands since March 2012, including community money education programs and financial wellbeing support. Together these services span both upstream educative measures (such as teaching about money in schools, distributing games packs and providing group sessions at TAFE), and downstream support through financial case management in the APY Lands. The evaluation...
Read MoreDepartment of Health, Australian Government The BreastScreen Australia accreditation system has played a pivotal role in ensuring that all BreastScreen Australia services deliver safe, high quality breast screening services to women. The accreditation system had helped underpin the success of BreastScreen Australia, but had not been fully reviewed since the inception of the program in 1991. A call from jurisdictional programs to review components of the BreastScreen Australia accreditation process highlighted the need to re-examine the currency and efficiency of the accreditation system nationally. The BreastScreen Australia Accreditation Review Committee (ARC) was...
Read MoreLiquid Learning Group Policy practitioners must increasingly develop policy based on clear evidence that links informed research and rigorous analysis to proposed actions. This interactive Masterclass provided participants with a comprehensive framework as to how an evidence-based approach can be applied to decision making throughout the policy development stage by utilising existing research data and policy literature, in addition to evaluating outcomes and results through informed methods of assessment. Using practical case study examples of key public policy issues, the Masterclass explored: Connecting ‘evidence’ based policy to the realities of policy development...
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